Misery loves company


I really wish I could follow that up with something else that’s jovial but really, I’m in a pretty bitchy mood at the moment. The title sums it all up perfectly so anything past this point is probably being redundant. You see, my facebook is pretty much divided between being cutesy stuff that I share with my small circle of friends and family and the rest is usually a  barrage of animal cruelty.  I’m talking about poaching, animals being set on fire, dog-fighting and other wonderful stuff to that effect.

You know, that’s the kind of shit I can almost handle though. The world accepts that this shit is wrong. Or at the very least, it’s no revelation that setting an animal on fire might make you into a bit of a dickhead. What pisses me off the most is when it’s legal. Factory farming, whaling, (and oh boy, the people bitching about the latter without any sense of self-awareness is ceaseless) fur, hunting. Yeah, these are the ones that really test me. Animal rights as some vague nebulous statement is something everyone can rally behind, no matter what kind gun-toting nutjob they are. . . but once you ask someone to adjust a behavior or two then well, they suddenly don’t seem all too fond of animal rights. They’re for animal rights so long as you let them engage in the animal cruelty of their choosing. The hunters are for animal rights so long as you let them hunt. The people who wear fur are for animal rights so long as they can wear fur. The people who eat meat are for animal rights so long as they can eat meat.

You know what they say about throwing stones in glass houses, don’t you?

So, I’m really not getting what the expectation here is supposed to be when everyone that’s for animal rights doesn’t seem to see any transgressions being done against animals. Cows being treated like objects, caged, chopped up and sold? If I’ve learned anything it’s that this kind of shit is acceptable but a line gets crossed pretty quickly once someone might possibly be self-righteous.

This actually felt pretty therapeutic for me but my mind is beginning to feel like a garbled mess so I guess I’ll make this the last paragraph. This probably wasn’t very focused but meh, I’ve got a million things to whine and moan about and it’s taking me a lot of restraint just to try and keep it to this.

Have a good night and don’t be a cunt that kills animals for fun.


Misery loves company

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