Misery Loves Word Games


Following my previous post I still don’t have much of a clue with what I’m doing, but fortunately this time I’ve got a few pictures for you guys to look at.  Don’t expect much of a change though, because all you’re going to find here is still whining and moaning about how people suck. Oh well, I’ll try and get straight to the point from here.

In my previous post I practically ended it with saying this:

“If I’ve learned anything it’s that this kind of shit is acceptable but a line gets crossed pretty quickly once someone might possibly be self-righteous.”

And more or less this post is going to continue from where we’ve left off. So yeah, you can basically do any shitty thing to an animal but you’re bound to make a lot of enemies if you say hurtful mean things to a person regardless of whether they’re warranted or not. When some sadistic prick kills animals for fun and then posts pictures of it online with a shit-eating grin of his “accomplishment”the legality of that photo is pretty much solely dependent on the animal in question. Fair to say, you can pretty much get away with doing anything to a Wolf. Place a trap down and just leave a wolf to suffer in pain until it dies? There’s absolutely no problem with that at all so long as it’s in the right place at the right time. That’s neither seen as negligent or animal cruelty and those mean animal rights activists are bullies for insulting and threatening them.

Q_Q But what the fuck about me being called names online?


Boo-Fucking-Hoo. An animal had to wait in sheer torment for it’s miserable life to end and yet the greater wrong here is name-calling by some random person online? Wow, what a self-centered piece of shit. How can anyone lack this much self-awareness?

Now, lets change the animal from being a Wolf to a dog. If you beat a dog then you go to jail. Okay, it’s acceptable that there’s consequences to abusing an animal but hopefully you’ve picked up on what’s wrong here. This is committing an act that’s objectively less abusive, cruel, and violent brings a far greater punishment than another. This is a lot like allowing a rapist to walk free and telling people to respect their criminal behavior while throwing the cuffs on a guy that at worse maybe grabbed a girls ass once or twice. The societal outlook on these two behaviors are completely disproportional.

Factory farming is kind of the same way. Between supporting an industry that thrives on suffering and misery and some vegan telling someone that what they’re doing is immoral it should be blatantly clear which one of the two genuinely warrants criticism. Throwing the word “self-righteous” at a critic simply isn’t a valid justification. In fact, you know what? It wouldn’t even matter if the guy killed and ate people. No matter how stupid and hypocritical their own particular position is their criticism of your own character doesn’t just magically vanish. The act that’s being commited is still immoral and cruel and there really isn’t much of a valid defense for it.

And it doesn’t just end there either. We can go back to my earlier point about how fucked up and disproportional our outlook is. Beat a pet pig? Jail. Slaughter? Mmm . . . bacon. Don’t get me wrong though, I know exactly what these guys are thinking. They’ll probably say some nonsense along the lines of “The difference is that one of them is bred to be a pet and the other Hurp. They’re property used for different things” Because you know, that’s totally an intellectually honest and non-sociopathic way to look at another genuine living creature. As property. Every time I look at my cats? Yeah, they’re not family, they’re property. It’s totally all right to slaughter animals because they’re owned as property to be slaughtered – and this totally isn’t circular reasoning to argue that it’s all right to raise animals to be slaughtered because we raise them to be slaughtered.

So for anyone reading this that might be white trash I guess I’ll spell it out one last time: Whenever someone says something mean or hurtful towards you that may include death threats? Yeah, that’s not half as bad as, you know, literally killing an animal. Wolf or dog, pig or pork,  it doesn’t put someone in the wrong to point out that what you’re doing is wrong or in the worst case of scenarios, to point out that you’re a piece of shit.

mmm . . . bacon.
Misery Loves Word Games

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